Author Archives: Zerline Hughes

Join the Media Justice Online Action Team

The prison rate is dropping but the use of electronic monitoring is growing. Electronic Monitoring threatens to become a form of technological mass incarceration, shifting the site and costs of imprisonment from state facilities to vulnerable communities and households. The Use of Electronic Monitoring is Growing. Electronic monitors have been in use in the criminal […]

Posted in Directly Impacted People, Human Rights, Pretrial and Courts, Reentry, Sentencing Reform | Leave a comment

Livestream: Vote for Justice | An Evening of Empowerment with Artists and Activists 

What are the overarching political, economic and human costs of this country’s criminal punishment system? How can we add to the visibility and focus of the resistance movement against policies and practices that have brought about mass incarceration? How can we paint a transformational vision for the future? When will criminal justice reform be a […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Fiscal Affairs, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Leave a comment

Tell Congress to stop militarizing police!

Contact your Senators right now and tell them to support the Stop Militarizing Our Law Enforcement Act. If passed, this bipartisan bill, S. 1856, would prohibit the federal transfer of militarized equipment to state and local law enforcement agencies – including MRAPs, drones, and armored vehicles (This prohibition only applies to offensive equipment and does […]

Posted in Law Enforcement Reform | Leave a comment

Emergency June 6 Action: Parole Justice Call-In Day and Social Media Blast

​The Board of Parole currently has seven vacant seats and five Commissioners who are up for reappointment. These five commissioners whose terms have expired or are about to expire (James Ferguson, W. William Smith, Kevin Ludlow, Julie Smith and Otis Cruse) are mostly white people from rural and upstate NY with law enforcement and prosecutorial backgrounds. They​ have for years, and […]

Posted in Other, Reentry, State Issues | Leave a comment

Sessions: Rescind Your Draconian Memo

Today, Attorney General Jeff Sessions called on his prosecutors to pursue harsh sentences for people charged with nonviolent drug offenses. Sessions’ memo rescinds policy instituted by former Attorney General Eric Holder, which avoided draconian mandatory minimums for many drug offenses. This is a disastrous move that will increase the prison population, worsen racial disparities in […]

Posted in Drug Policy Reform, Sentencing Reform | Leave a comment

Help the Washington, D.C. Mayor’s Office on Returning Citizen Affairs Get Funding

There has been an ongoing effort this budget season to expand funding for the Washington, D.C. Mayor’s Office on Returning Citizen Affairs (MORCA). We are asking DC Council to fund two full-time case managers and a consultant to help MORCA develop a strategic plan. The need for staff and a plan of action is even […]

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Justice Roundtable Newsletter E-blast DATE

Read newsletter , 2016 View this email in your browser Justice Roundtable E-blast Newsletter Share Tweet Forward

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Petition: Tell Democratic and Republican Leaders to Get On Board With Ending Mass Incarceration

“Join The Nation and the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law in calling on America’s major political parties to end the era of mass incarceration. So far, both have fallen short. Even Democratic party platforms haven’t merely been silent; they have actually called for policies creating more imprisonment. We’re asking both sides […]

Posted in Prison Reform, Racial Justice, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Leave a comment

Time to End Discrimination Against People with Records

A message from Jason Hernandez, commuted by President Obama: I am a former prisoner. I served over 17 years for a nonviolent crack cocaine offense. Like millions of Americans who have done their time, I left prison fully committed to finding a job. I wanted more than anything to support myself and build a new […]

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