
The Justice Roundtable highlights employment and fellowship opportunities in criminal and juvenile justice. Check out the latest opportunities and contact the associated organization for more information.

Critical Resistance

Spring 2019 Internships: Available Immediately
The Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth

JOB: Rare opportunity to join CFSY policy team
National Juvenile Justice Network

Youth Justice Leadership Institute: Building a Movement
The Immigrant Justice Network (IJN)


JOB: Senior Program Officer
Fines & Fees Justice Center (FFJC)

JOB: National Campaign Director, Fines and Fees Justice Center
The National Center for Youth Law (NCYL)

JOB: Senior Directing Attorney, National Center for Youth Law
Arnold Ventures

JOBS: Arnold Adventures
The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

Career Opportunities
Washington Lawyers' Committee

JOB: Youth Rights Attorney

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