The Justice Roundtable calendar features its meetings and events, in addition to relevant Capitol Hill briefings and hearings, and partner and affiliate workshops, trainings, conferences, and other events.
Webinar: Californians on Criminal Justice: New Research and Findings
On Sept. 12 at 2 p.m. EST, we will share new public opinion research on criminal justice that we conducted in collaboration with the ACLU of California. The webinar will review topline findings and insights from our latest public opinion research, which aimed to identify effective messages to bring unconvinced Californians into supporting progressive justice and policing reforms.
Find out more »Advancement Project School Policing Report Launch: We Came to Learn
On September 13, 2018, Advancement Project’s national office and the Alliance for Educational Justice will release their school policing report, We Came to Learn: A Call for Police-Free Schools. The release event will include an immersive digital experience featuring students impacted by school policing. We Came to Learn will additionally be released with a companion action kit with resources for organizers working to remove police from school. We Came to Learn Report Release Event Thursday, September 13 1…
Find out more »We Came to Learn Report Release Event – Register
Advancement Project’s national office and the Alliance for Educational Justice will release their school policing report, We Came to Learn: A Call for Police-Free Schools. The release event will include an immersive digital experience featuring students impacted by school policing. We Came to Learn will additionally be released with a companion action kit with resources for organizers working to remove police from school. In a close examination of policing practices in American public schools, We Came to Learn details the historical…
Find out more »Register now for SCOTUS Criminal Law Preview Breakfast with Jeff Fisher & Erin Murphy
Please join The Due Process Institute on Friday, September 21 from 8-10 am for a seated breakfast at The Willard in Washington, DC to hear leading Supreme Court litigators Jeffrey L. Fisher andErin E. Murphy discuss the criminal law docket of the 2018-19 term.
Find out more »2018 DC Prisoner and Reentry Symposium: Envisioning a New Jail
The Corrections Information Council (CIC) and the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia (PDS) invite you to the 2018 DC Prisoner and Reentry Symposium: Envisioning a New Jail. The purpose of this symposium is to provide information to the community and criminal justice stakeholders who will later be actively engaged in the discussion and planning around a new jail for the District of Columbia.
Find out more »Smart on Crime Innovations Conference
Last year, the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, the Center for American Progress, and the Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation co-hosted the first Smart on Crime Innovations Conference. The 2017 conference was a nonpartisan, public statement proving that the momentum for criminal justice reform will continue in the face of outdated “tough on crime” policies. The 2018 Smart on Crime Innovations Conference will emphasize the need to maintain a commitment to criminal justice reform and tackle the unexplored and difficult questions that must…
Find out more »CAC@10: A Decade of Progress, A Charge for the Future
Join CAC as we reflect on a decade of progress and our charge for the future.
Find out more »FreeHer National Conference 2018
The Women's Collective that Will End The Criminalization and Mass Incarceration of Women and Girls Click here to Register
Find out more »What’s The Story? Criminal Justice and Narrative Change
The Marshall Project presents a new monthly series: “What’s the Story?” is a new monthly speaker series, hosted by The Marshall Project, featuring prominent Americans as they explore how they create and disrupt narratives around criminal justice. The series' first breakfast convening will feature Sherrilyn Ifill in conversation with Grover Norquist. Moderated by Bill Keller, Editor of The Marshall Project, and featuring an introduction by Weldon Angelos. Sherrilyn Ifill is the President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and…
Find out more »The Marshall Project presents Sherrilyn Ifilll in conversation with Grover Norquist
“What’s the Story?” is a new monthly speaker series, hosted by The Marshall Project, featuring prominent Americans as they explore how they create and disrupt narratives around criminal justice. The series' first breakfast convening will feature Sherrilyn Ifill in conversation with Grover Norquist. Moderated by Bill Keller, Editor of The Marshall Project, and featuring an introduction by Weldon Angelos. Sherrilyn Ifill is the President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Grover Norquist is the is president…
Find out more »Moving on from Money Bail: Federal and state policies for bipartisan reform
As Congress and state houses across the country assess how to rein in bail, the public discussion of bail and pretrial reforms must address several questions: 1) What are the costs of a pretrial jail stay? 2) How can the federal and state governments work toward bail reform and what can local jurisdictions do to mitigate the problem in the interim? 3) How do we ensure bail replacements like pretrial risk assessments actually achieve their intended goals? Please join R…
Find out more »Workshop on Role of Drug Control Policies on Health of People of Color
On October 8, 2018, the Roundtable on the Promotion of Health Equity will host a one-day workshop on the The Role of Drug Control Policies on Individual and Community Health for People of Color. Workshop Objectives To better understand how drug control policies and laws affect people and communities of color. To examine the effects of race and ethnicity on drug policies in the criminal justice process. To explore promising models and best practices for new ways to handle drug…
Find out more »Reimagining Prison
This convening culminates the work of Vera’s Reimagining Prison Project, launched in June 2016 at historic Eastern State Penitentiary, with the goal of transforming the how, what and why of incarceration in this country in pursuit of a dramatically smaller correctional system that places human dignity at its philosophical and operational core.
Find out more »Reimagining Prison
On October 10th - in an event simulcast from both New York City and Cheshire Correctional Institution - advocates, people who are or have been incarcerated, corrections leaders and staff, policymakers and others will come together to culminate the Reimagining Prison Project. A full list of confirmed participants to date can be found here. Registration opens today. We expect a large crowd so please RSVP as soon as possible.
Find out more »Roundtable on the Future of Justice Policy: Reimagine Justice
This convening, “Examining the History of Racial and Economic Inequality: Implications for Justice Policy and Practice,” will take place at NCCU’s School of Law from Thursday, October 11th, through Saturday, October 13th. Evening events include a Young Adult Vision Setting Reception, featuring presentations and spoken word performances by young people in Durham; and a Keynote Conversation with Writer, Professor, and Political Commentator Melissa Harris-Perry on the past, present, and future of justice in our country. All events will be livestreamed on the…
Find out more »Invitation to Briefing: Improving Justice for Women & Girls
Congressional briefing sponsored by the American Society of Criminology entitled "Improving Justice for Women & Girls". There will be presentations from top scholars in gender, crime, and justice who will offer evidence-based policy recommendations aimed at improving justice for women and girls. DWC First Congressional Briefing Flyer DWC Congressional Briefing Agenda
Find out more »Register now for Restorative Justice/Reintegration Circle training
All are welcome to register for Reunion's Restorative Justice Circle Keeper Training & Re-integration Circle Keeper Training October-November 2018, Washington, DC Six free training sessions will prepare participants to keep restorative justice circles which support men and women coming home from incarceration, and/or to keep circles that can be adapted for various purposes. To register, please read the description of the training (below), and reply to this email- Times and dates are listed below; we will send more info about location.…
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