Helping Moms, Dads & Kids Come Home: Eliminating Barriers to Housing for People with Criminal Records
National HIRE Network
Dec 9, 2016

This report assesses some of the most common and pernicious obstacles to housing that confront Americans with criminal records and their families. It also examines innovative federal, state, and municipal initiatives that are helping people to overcome those obstacles, such as:

·        Encouraging family reunification.

·         Encouraging individualized determinations rather than blanket policies banning
people with criminal records.

·         Including more justice-involved people in housing programs.

·         Increasing private/public supportive housing developments.

·         Using tax credits to spur affordable housing and creating set-asides for justice-
involved individuals and families.

·         Enacting anti-discrimination protections and “ban the box” on housing applications.

·         Reducing liability for landlords who provide second chances.

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