The Center for Advancing Opportunity, supported by a $25.6 million gift from the Charles Koch Foundation and Koch Industries, will provide undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, and grants to faculty working to establish university-based research centers on education, criminal justice, entrepreneurship, and other issues impacting opportunity in fragile communities
Koch Foundation

One of the ways we seek to end the divide is by expanding educational, social and economic opportunities in America’s fragile communities.

To that end, The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) just launched the Center For Advancing Opportunity (CAO) with a $25.6 million gift from the Charles Koch Foundation and Koch Industries. The Center will provide undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships and grants to faculty working to establish university-based research centers on education reform, criminal justice, and other issues impacting opportunity in fragile communities. CAO will also work with Gallup to capture sentiments of individuals living in these communities.

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