The Justice Roundtable calendar features its meetings and events, in addition to relevant Capitol Hill briefings and hearings, and partner and affiliate workshops, trainings, conferences, and other events.
What’s The Story? Criminal Justice and Sports
“What’s the Story?” is a monthly speaker series, hosted by The Marshall Project, featuring prominent Americans as they explore how to create and disrupt narratives around criminal justice. This series will feature a conversation with Maya Moore, Michael Rubin and John Doe. Maya Moore is the former WNBA Rookie of the Year, league MVP and a five-time All-Star. Michael Rubin is co-owner of the Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils, and Founding Partner of the Reform Alliance. Clinton Yates is…
Find out more »“Restoring Higher Education Opportunities for Incarcerated Students”
Law Enforcement Leaders to Reduce Crime & Incarceration in collaboration with The Unlock Higher Ed Coalition formally invites you to a panel discussion and briefing on Capitol Hill: “Restoring Higher Education Opportunities for Incarcerated Students” RSVP HERE UHE-LEL Congressional Briefing Invitation Please join law enforcement leaders – current and former – and formerly incarcerated students for a conversation about the public safety benefits and taxpayer savings of restoring Pell Grants and other higher education opportunities for incarcerated students. Panelists…
Find out more »Justice Roundtable Assembly, 9/18/2019
Justice Roundtable partners and allies will assemble to network, share information, and provide strategic thinking to advance the JR goals. Online registration closed on September 17, at 5:00 pm EST; however, you can register in person at the venue or join us online. Click below to preview the agenda: Justice Roundtable 9/18/19 General Assembly Agenda
Find out more »Ending Life Imprisonment
Ending Life Imprisonment A Conversation with: Saleem Holbrook (The Abolitionist Law Center) Marc Mauer (The Sentencing Project) Ashley Nellis (The Sentencing Project) Jose Saldana (The Release Aging People in Prison Campaign) Moderated by Nicole Porter (The Sentencing Project) Join us for a conversation about ending life imprisonment including a discussion of the recently released book The Meaning of Life: A Case for Abolishing Life Sentences, and a dialogue about national and local advocacy and organizing efforts to end life sentences, and…
Find out more »Racial Justice Now! DMV to host Movie Screening- “When They See Us”
Join Racial Justice NOW! and Impact Silver Spring for a Movie Screening of the critically acclaimed Mini Series- When They See Us. We will view some of the film followed by a panel discussion, along with Question and Answer. The film is an excellent teaching tool for what is going on in society and the current political climate that we live in. Light refreshments will be provided. When They See Us is a 2019 American drama web television miniseries…
Find out more »Register Now: Smart on Crime Innovations Conference, September 24-25, 2019
Since 2017, the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, the Center for American Progress, and the Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation have co-hosted the SMART ON CRIME INNOVATIONS CONFERENCE to showcase the progress being made across the country to move communities toward a smarter, fairer, and more effective criminal justice system. This year, we will continue to raise some of the deep questions around criminal justice – especially how to fight for transformation while pressing for wins wherever possible. …
Find out more »Women Incarcerated in the Americas Demand Sweeping Changes
Women around the world are being incarcerated at an astounding rate. Between 2000 and 2017, the total female prison population worldwide increased by 53 percent, while that of men rose by 19. Punitive drug laws are the driving force behind women’s imprisonment: Most women are behind bars for minor nonviolent drug offenses. Many face racial discrimination and are victims of violence and torture while in detention. These women typically have little or no schooling, live in poverty, and are mothers.…
Announcing a conference on “Mass Incarceration and Slavery” at Tougaloo College, October 11-12, 2019. The conference is co-sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Modern-Day Slavery at Tougaloo College and by Historians Against Slavery, with generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This gathering of academics, activists, survivors, public officials, and others has two goals. The first is to understand the history and current state of mass incarceration and its connections to slavery. The second is to use…
Find out more »Race and Criminal Justice in a ‘Colorblind’ America
"Join us for a special discussion on Tuesday, October 15 about the critical ways that justice reform impacts Black communities. We’ll be meeting from 6:30 - 8:30 PM in the Langston Hughes Auditorium at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (515 Malcolm X Blvd in Harlem). That evening, we’ll be talking about the ways that reform-minded system actors can move us toward equal justice, confront challenges to race and gender, and make decisions rooted in the dignity…
Find out more »Movement Lawyering Conference
Movement Lawyering Conference: More Power; More Justice. In celebration of our 20th Anniversary, Advancement Project National Office along with cosponsors Law for Black Lives and the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center, will host a conference uplifting the racial justice movement lawyering model that used by Advancement Project National Office, Law For Black Lives and others. Our strategic goal is not just civil rights litigation, but rather holistic strategies that center and support the genius of ordinary people to attack systems and build long term power.…
Find out more »It’s Not a Gala. It’s a Movement!
We’re putting the racial justice event of the year together and you’re invited to attend! On Thursday, October 17, 2019, we will celebrate 20 years of progressive racial justice movement work with an event beyond any gala. This is for the people! Join Advancement Project National Office attorneys, organizers, grassroots partners and influencers in racial justice sports, culture, arts, and entertainment as we celebrate our 20th anniversary with great food, performances, and more. You do NOT want to miss this!
Find out more »Post Conviction Forum: A Conviction With Options
One in four people in the U.S. is struggling with the collateral consequences of having a conviction on their record. In most states, expungement will never be a reality for Black people and people of color. Community organizers and activists are now exploring the post-conviction process as a tool to overturn or modify unfair and unjust convictions. Maybe you or someone you know was coerced to take a bad plea deal. The following topics will be discussed...NOTE: Both Federal (including…
Find out more »From Enslavement to Reparations: A 400 Year Journey for Justice
The National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC), American Civil Liberties Union, and the ACLU of South Carolina present: From Enslavement to Reparations: A 400 Year Journey for Justice A Congressional Bill to Establish a Commission to Explore Reparations Bring your friends and family out to learn more about reparations for slavery, and legislation that would establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery and its legacy and make recommendations for reparations to Congress. Join scholars, activists and other…
Find out more »Senate Judiciary Hearing: Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons
The Committee on the Judiciary will hold a hearing on the Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons on November 19, 2019. Witnesses include Dr. Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, PH.D., Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. To Watch Live Stream, Click Here
Find out more »Justice Roundtable Assembly, 12/4/2019
Justice Roundtable partners and allies will assemble to network, share information, and provide strategic thinking to advance the JR goals. Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:30 am ET - 12:30 pm ET True Reformer Building 1200 U St. NW Wash, DC 20009 Register here to attend in person or online Click below to preview the agenda: Justice Roundtable 12/4/19 General Assembly Agenda
Find out more »Virginia’s Newly Elected Progressive Prosecutors
Virginia’s Newly Elected Progressive Prosecutors December 17, 2019, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET Center for American Progress 1333 H Street NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005 RSVP Not in D.C.? Bookmark this link to watch the live webcast INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: Ed Chung, Vice President for Criminal Justice Reform, Center for American Progress FEATURED PANELISTS: Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, Commonwealth’s Attorney-elect, Arlington County & City of Falls Church, Virginia Steve Descano, Commonwealth’s Attorney-elect, Fairfax County, Virginia Buta Biberaj, Commonwealth’s Attorney-elect, Loudoun County, Virginia…
Find out more »Get ‘Uncounted’ – Book on Voter Challenges Released at Busboys & Poets, DC
Join Advancement Project to celebrate the release of Gilda Daniels' book "Uncounted: The Crisis of Voter Suppression in America." "In conversation with Danielle Belton, Editor-in-Chief of The Root, Gilda Daniels, the former Deputy Chief of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division will discuss the nation’s continuous attack on the voting rights of people of color, the poor and the elderly. Daniels will deliver a call to action and a plan on how communities can successfully combat voter suppression…
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