The Justice Roundtable calendar features its meetings and events, in addition to relevant Capitol Hill briefings and hearings, and partner and affiliate workshops, trainings, conferences, and other events.
Fairness by Design: How Can Big Data Advance Opportunity for All?
Today, it’s easier than ever before to make predictions and decisions by analyzing an unprecedented wealth of data. Corporate use of “algorithmic decision-making tools” is widespread, and government agencies at all levels are also using these techniques to guide decisions, increase efficiency, inform policy, and shape service delivery. Yet with advances come risks: Without careful design, application, and oversight, these tools could be used to harm vulnerable populations and reinforce existing inequities. Please join this in-depth discussion about how to ensure these technologies…
Find out more »D.C.’s First Town Hall On Marijuana Policy
D.C.’s first Town Hall On Marijuana Policy, hosted by DCMJ, Drug Policy Action, and Marijuana Policy Project, is taking place next Wednesday, June 1st. In light of continued congressional interference and the recent D.C. Council vote banning marijuana consumption in private venues, this meeting is incredibly important. On Wednesday, you’ll have the chance to hear directly from Council candidates about their views on marijuana policy and how they would move reform forward in the District if elected. Town Hall on…
Find out more »May 31: How Kids Wind Up in the Adult Justice System
The Sentencing Project’s State Advocacy Associate Josh Rovner will join the author of Boy With A Knife, Jean Trounstine, to discuss her new book and the implications of trying juvenile offenders as if they were adults. In 1993, Karter Kane Reed, though only sixteen, was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in an adult prison. The book delves into the stories of all those involved in Kane's offense, including his eventual release from prison after 20 years. Piper Kerman,…
Find out more »Righting Wrongs
Young Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights hosts Righting Wrongs When: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 4 p.m. Where: New York City Bar Association, 42 W. 44th Street New York, NY 10036 RSVP:
Find out more »FAMM Briefing on Sentencing Reform
Join FAMM Monday, June 6 at 12:15 p.m. for a Capitol Hill briefing featuring formerly incarcerated people and family members impacted by decades-long sentences for federal drug offenses. RSVP at
Find out more »June 7: Justice Roundtable Quarterly Convening
JUSTICE ROUNDTABLE Quarterly Assembly Tuesday, June 7, 2016 10:00 – noon (EST) Open Society Policy Center 1730 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20006 Call in number: 800-747-5150 code 2415105 RSVP* * (If you have already RSVP’d, please RSVP again, due to previous technical difficulties) JUSTICE ROUNDTABLE AGENDA I Refreshments and Networking, 9:45 am Moderator – Nkechi Taifa, Esq., convener – Justice Roundtable Coalition Introductions, 10:10 am II Feature – Criminal Justice Reform: A…
Find out more »Publication Celebration: ‘Pushout’ by Monique W. Morris
Please join The New Press and Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation's Center for Arts and Culture for a special evening with author Monique W. Morris to celebrate her book Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools. Morris will be joined in conversation by Cheryl Watson-Harris, director of Brooklyn South BFSC and celebrated youth performance artist Colby Christina will dramatize parts of the book. A light reception will precede the program at 6:30 p.m. Books will be available for purchase before and…
Find out more »Briefing on Social Security Administration (SSA) Rep Payee National Instant Criminal Background System (NICS)
In response to President Obama’s Executive Action announcement on January 4, 2016, the Social Security Administration announced the following Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) titled Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 on Thursday, May 5, 2016. CCD Rights and Social Security Taskforces are working on comments for this NRPM that will be sent out to civil and disability rights advocates to use as a guide to send in their own comments. The TFs are also hosting…
Find out more »Live Stream the United #StateofWomen Summit
On Tuesday June 14, the #StateofWomen Summit will be livestreamed. Formerly incarcerated women Kemba Smith and Andrea James to speak at United State of Women. Livestream here The United State of Women will be an important moment for both women and girls, domestically and internationally. It will feature speakers who will both educate as well as inspire all of us to take action on June 14th and well after. Summit check in will begin at 6:30 am (EST) with programming running…
Find out more »Webinar: Medical Assisted Treatment in Corrections Webinar on June 14
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) will host a webinar entitled 'Medication Assisted Treatment Programs for Justice Involved Populations' on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. EST. The webinar will highlight examples of Medication Assisted Treatment programs for individuals with opioid use disorder in correctional settings, and in reentry programs in three states: California, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Opening remarks will be delivered by Director Michael Botticelli followed by an introduction on the BJA Residential…
Find out more »Vigil for Sentencing Reform in Washington, D.C.
Faith leaders from around the country will gather outside of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, June 15. We are hoping to get as many supporters to participate in the vigil as possible. For questions on the vigil, please contact Jordyn Bussey at Click here for more information
Find out more »Prayer Vigil for Sentencing Reform
On Wednesday, June 15 at 9 a.m. in front of the U.S. Capitol people of faith, criminal justice reformers, senators, formerly incarcerated people and anyone who cares about justice and dignity will gather to pray, sing and advocate for federal criminal justice reform. Please join us and show Congress that we will not give up on this fight to enact sentencing reform this year. The thousands serving excessive and unfair sentences are counting on us! Click here to view flier
Find out more »July 16: CJCC Reentry Town Hall Forum
The CJCC Reentry Town Hall Forum takes place Saturday July 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Phelps High School Auditorium. The Town Hall Forum will be an opportunity for District residents, returning citizens, and justice-involved individuals and their families, to provide input on ways to address reentry in the District, and will help inform the District’s 3-year citywide Reentry Action Plan currently being developed.
Find out more »The National Clemency and Criminal Justice Reform RadioThon
The National Clemency and Criminal Justice Reform RadioThon will be held Friday, June 17 and will be broadcast live from WPFW from noon – 6 p.m. (ET) in Washington, DC, and accessible via the internet at This RADIOTHON is scheduled 45 years after former President Richard Nixon declared drug abuse as “Public Enemy Number 1.” Shortly after his June 18, 1971 proclamation, the media popularized the term, “War on Drugs.” We now know that this “war on drugs” was…
Find out more »Synthetic Drugs: A National Emerging Threat, Congressional Briefing
The Foundation for a Drug-Free World presents: A panel of experts discussing the rising toll that synthetic drug abuse is posing for our first responders, EMS (Emergency Medical Services), emergency rooms and individuals. The Foundation for a Drug-Free World will also give a sneak preview of its new synthetic drugs documentary video (10 min). Friday, June 17th, 2016 12:00PM - 1:30PM US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rayburn House Office Building Room 2168 50 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20515 Box Lunch Click here to RSVP for this event HOSTS: FOUNDATION FOR A…
Find out more »Criminal Justice Reform: Remarks from Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX)
In recent years, criminal justice reform advocates have sought ways to lower recidivism rates, reduce crime, and save taxpayer dollars. At the state level, lawmakers have tackled this issue with programs that prepare the formerly incarcerated for life after prison, a model federal lawmakers have sought to emulate with major criminal justice reform legislation. Please join AEI for a keynote address by Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX), cosponsor of the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2016, and a…
Find out more »Realizing Youth Justice: Advancing Education, Employment and Youth Empowerment
On June 20, join CLASP for our annual forum on youth of color. “Realizing Youth Justice: Advancing Education, Employment, and Youth Empowerment," co-sponsored by Cities United and the Executives' Alliance for Boys and Young Men of Color, will highlight effective policies and practices that can help youth avoid the criminal justice system, access employment, achieve stability, build on their innate assets, and realize their full potential. CLASP’s forum will feature government officials, community leaders, and youth of color discussing practical policy solutions…
Find out more »Reimagining Prison: Beginning the Journey
We are in an historic time, where de-carceration is on the national agenda in response to decades of growth in the numbers of people incarcerated. The momentum to end mass incarceration also provides a parallel opportunity to look at the fundamental questions of the purpose and goals of incarceration, and the values that underlie its use. That’s why Vera is embarking on Reimagining Prison, an 18-month initiative that will seek to arrive at answers to these questions and shape an…
Find out more »Juvenile Justice Summit Registration Information and Award Nomination Form
Register for the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council’s 7th Annual Juvenile Justice Summit on Thursday, July 21, 2016 from 8 am to 4:30 pm at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Conference Hotel located in the Woodley Park neighborhood of Washington, DC. This summit will explore the issues that are shared between the juvenile justice and education systems. The theme for the summit is Restorative Justice. Seating is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot on the Summit registration website as…
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