The Justice Roundtable calendar features its meetings and events, in addition to relevant Capitol Hill briefings and hearings, and partner and affiliate workshops, trainings, conferences, and other events.
Make calls to restore Floridians’ eligibility to vote!
Florida currently excludes 1.4 million returning citizens from participating in democracy. These are people from all walks of life. That can all change in 2018. The Voting Restoration Amendment (Amendment 4) is a Florida ballot initiative that will give Florida voters this November the choice to return the eligibility to vote to their friends, family, and neighbors who have fully completed their sentences. Second Chances FL is relying on everyday Americans nationwide to step up and help. People For the American Way will be…
Find out more »A New Chapter in Defending Democracy
— You're Invited: May 31st! — Come celebrate The Constitution Project’s new home at the Project On Government Oversight! Join us as we honor TCP Founder Ginny Sloan and her years of service in defense of the Constitution. Click here for ticket and sponsorship information. A New Chapter in Defending Democracy Thursday, May 31st, 6:30-8:30 PM The Newseum 555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001 Hors d'oeuvres and cocktails will be served If you cannot attend the event, but still want to contribute, please click here.
Find out more »50th Anniversary Reunion Washington Lawyers’ Committee
For 50 years, the Washington Lawyers’ Committee has been at the center of civil rights progress in the DC region and our nation. With you, we have fought discrimination and inequity where people work, live, learn, play, get help, and intersect with the criminal system. Nothing in our organization’s history could have been accomplished without you: our clients, co-counsel, community partners, leaders, donors, volunteers, and staff. Join us on Tuesday, June 5 at the Woolly Mammoth Theatre as the Washington Lawyers’ Committee community…
Find out more »Join Bolder Advocacy for the next Facebook Live event!
Bolder Advocacy Facebook Live event, "Social Media Advocacy: What you need to know about Facebook and Twitter’s new advertising policies,” is this Friday, June 8th at 4 pm. Social media sites have recently set new policies on political and issue-related advertising - what does this mean for nonprofits? If you have questions on how these changes will impact your social media strategy, join us on Friday! The event will be hosted by Nikhil Pillai, counsel with Alliance for Justice’s Bolder Advocacy program.…
Find out more »NCADP June Webinar
IN THE EXECUTIONER'S SHADOW Partial Screening and Discussion This Webinar, the end to our documentary series, challenges us to consider the emotional burden placed not only on the families of victims and defendants, but also on the individuals ordered to administer capital punishment. Co-directed by Maggie Stogner and Rick Stack, In the Executioner's Shadow exposes us to the narrative of retired executioner, Jerry Givens, who conducted 62 execution—37 by electric chair and 25 by lethal injection—for the state of Virginia.
Find out more »NJJN Forum 2018
LGBTQ youth are over-represented and mistreated in youth justice systems across the country. In order to reduce disparities across race, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, we are putting intersectional justice into practice at NJJN Forum 2018. Join us at our Forum, in Durham, NC where we'll spend time learning from local and national experts about how to protect LGBTQ youth and do so in a state that has been ground zero for battles for transgender rights.
Find out more »June 19th Webinar: Understanding the unique challenges of female incarceration
WEBINAR: Understanding the unique challenges of female incarceration Tuesday, June 19, 2-3 p.m. EST The number of incarcerated women stands nearly eight times higher than in 1980, with over 200,000 women behind bars. There are over 7,000 girls, predominantly girls of color, in youth confinement around the country. Analyzing female incarceration is critical to understanding the full consequences of mass incarceration and to unraveling the policies and practices that lead to the criminalization of women and girls. Please join leading advocates and researchers…
Find out more »The Future of Mental Health Services for Justice-Involved People in DC
In February, the Council for Court Excellence and the Office of the District of Columbia Auditor released a report examining services and systems at the intersection mental health and the criminal justice system. The report's 25 findings and 77 recommendations span the continuum of prevention, treatment, and recovery at all stages of possible interaction with the criminal justice system. DBH has made recent progress in several of these areas, but the effectiveness of its efforts is inherently limited so long as the District's behavioral health system…
Find out more »4th Annual Juneteenth Celebration
The 2018 celebration gathers our community to commemorate the abolition of slavery through music, dance and a message challenging us to continue our efforts to become “a more perfect Union”.
Find out more »Juvenile lifers featured in DC art exhibit
Dear friends, We’d like to invite our allies and partners in the DC area to view a powerful installation from artist and filmmaker Kristin Adair featuring juvenile lifers that starts on Thursday at Union Market. Members of the CFSY staff will join the artist at the exhibit from 4-6 pm on Friday, June 22nd to chat with visitors and answer questions about DC law and the CFSY’s work. Kristin’s project, titled CELL 17, is part of the larger international arts and dialogue festival By The People, taking place…
Find out more »Ending the War on Marijuana
Ending the War on Marijuana Brought to you by Thinking CAP podcast and Smart on Crime Wednesday, June 27, 2018 • 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. ETCenter for American Progress 1333 H Street NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005 RSVP Doors open at 5:00 p.m. with the live recording beginning at 5:30 p.m. Opening Remarks: Ed Chung, Vice President, Criminal Justice Reform, Center for American Progress Featured guests: Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) Weldon Angelos, Justice reform advocate Moderated by Thinking…
Find out more »Reentry Recognition Ceremony
Join us for a special Reentry Recognition Ceremony before our Takoma Write Night! You're invited to a very special Write Night and Reentry Recognition Ceremony on Wednesday, June 27, from 6:30 - 8:30 in Takoma. We will be starting right at 6:30 PM with a Reentry Recognition Ceremony to honor Free Minds members who have been participating in our Reentry Book Club and Job Readiness Apprenticeship. We want to recognize their achievements with the caring community that always makes them feel so welcome at Write Night. Help…
Find out more »NACDL Report Release: The Trial Penalty — Luncheon
On July 10, 2018, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, with support from the Foundation for Criminal Justice and other donors, will host a luncheon event in the Holeman Lounge at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, at 1:00 p.m. to launch a critically important report, The Trial Penalty: The Sixth Amendment Right to Trial on the Verge of Extinction and How to Save It.
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