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9:30am – 11:30am
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
1730 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 7th floor
Washington, DC 20006
Call in number: 800-747-5150 code 241 5105
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Sept. 13, 2016
I Refreshments and Networking, 9:30 am
Moderator – Nkechi Taifa, Esq., Advocacy Director for Criminal Justice, Open Society Policy Center and Convener, Justice Roundtable Coalition
Introductions, 9:45 am
II Feature begins at 10:00 sharp, with Vanita Gupta, head of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. Under Vanita’s leadership, the Civil Rights Division continues to advance criminal justice reform and constitutional policing, including the investigation and reform of police departments in Ferguson; Cleveland; Baltimore; and Chicago, among other cities. As the chief civil rights prosecutor for the U.S., she also oversees a wide range of additional enforcement efforts.
III Brian Elderbroom, Director of Policy, Research & Administration, Alliance for Safety and Justice. Brian will discuss findings from ASJ’s national survey of victims’ views on safety and justice, “Crime Victims Speak,” a first of its kind research on crime survivors’ experiences with the justice system. The report reveals that victims overwhelmingly prefer approaches that prioritize rehabilitation over punishment and investments in prevention & treatment over more spending on prisons.
III Justice Roundtable Working Groups. The day to day work of the Roundtable is carried out through issue-specific working groups which meet regularly, plan strategy, and implement initiatives. Visit www.JusticeRoundtable.org for news and resources highlighting working group issues.
Brief Working Group Updates/Discussion
- Sentencing Reform
- Interfaith Criminal Justice
- Law Enforcement Reform
- Commutations and Pardons
- Drug Policy Reform
- Crimmigration
- Prison Issues
- Reentry
- Youth Justice
- State Issues
- Human Rights
- Racial Justice
IV Announcements & Close
12:30 FILM TO FOLLOW JUSTICE ROUNDTABLE ASSEMBLY. “MILWAUKEE 53206,” a film about mass incarceration examines the effects of mass incarceration on the zip code in this country that incarcerates the highest rate of African-American men – 53206.
Mark Your Calendars: Next Justice Roundtable Assembly – Tuesday, December 13, 2016