We have brought together the nation’s leading experts to discuss a number of pertinent state criminal justice reform issues.
- Misinformation around bail reform, with speakers from New York discussing their experience combatting misleading public campaigns meant to derail reform and backpedal on progress made;
- Effective messaging around criminal justice reform from communications and media experts, including Radley Balko of The Washington Post;
- Policing in America, examining issues of transparency and accountability, as well as predictive policing and other analytical and surveillance techniques used by law enforcement;
- State sentencing reform, ranging from school-zone enhancements, to mandatory minimums, to life sentences, to release opportunities during COVID-19, with an emphasis on changing narratives and passing legislation;
- Marsy’s law, the sweeping victims’ rights constitutional amendment with far-reaching consequences for state criminal justice systems in states across the country
View the full agenda and faculty here