Trump priority of criminal justice overhaul bitterly divides Senate Republicans
The Washington Post
November 28, 2018

“Sen. John Hoeven had one question as he raised concerns in a private lunch about a criminal justice bill that has divided Senate Republicans: Why not make the changes requested by the National Sheriffs’ Association?”

“Those revisions from the influential group could well tank a carefully crafted bipartisan compromise that already has President Trump’s seal of approval. But a growing number of GOP senators, who now control the fate of the bill, are seeking changes, growing uneasy with it or raising outright objections.”

“Though its supporters are claiming momentum behind the legislation that would mark a significant overhaul of U.S. sentencing laws, a large group of Senate Republicans are scrambling to get up to speed with one of Trump’s chief legislative priorities, even as they harbor private — and increasingly public — worries about the impact of the bill.”

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