In Wrong Man, a series by Academy Award-nominated and Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Joe Berlinger (Paradise Lost Trilogy), a team of esteemed experts including a renowned civil rights attorney, a former prosecutor, a retired NCIS investigator, and a member of Detroit’s elite Homicide Task Force re-investigate the cases of three inmates who have been locked up for decades and claim they’re innocent. The verité series follows investigators into prisons and to the scene of the crimes to crack open the cases, as they hunt for new evidence, track down witnesses and talk to often-reluctant law-enforcement, looking beyond guilt and innocence to expose the flaws in our criminal justice system.
Join us for a brief reception and screening, followed by a conversation with Executive Producers Joe Berlinger and Erica Sashin, as well as Ron Kuby, Joe Kennedy, Sue-Ann Robinson, and Ira Todd. The conversation will be moderated by Phillip Atiba Goff, Ph.D