Yearly Archives: 2016

Convener’s Corner | December 2016

Dec. 7, 2016 “Commutations – the fierce urgency of now” There is unprecedented momentum appealing to President Obama to go bold in granting commutations, and for good reason — there is the fierce urgency of now. The clock is running out on commutations as President-elect Trump prepares to assume power on January 20th. Despite the […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Convener’s Corner | November 22, 2016

Nov. 22, 2016Eerie Blast from the Past An eerie somber blast from the past – Taifa’s January 7, 1995, analysis of the “Take Back Our Streets” Act of Newt Gingrich’s Contract on America, several months after the passage of the now-infamous 1994 Crime Bill – the Violent Crime Control and Safe Streets Act.  Click here to […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Fiscal Affairs, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Convener’s Corner | November 3, 2016

Nov. 3, 2016 Taifa’s Reflection on Hatch and Clemency I can’t believe something I just did. After reading Senator Orrin Hatch’s November 2, 2016 National Review article, “The President Needs to Show More Caution in Commuting Felons’ Sentences,” I immediately scribbled off an email to five of my criminal justice reform colleagues (Doug Berman, Mark […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Fiscal Affairs, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Justice Roundtable Newsletter E-blast DATE

Read newsletter , 2016 View this email in your browser Justice Roundtable E-blast Newsletter Share Tweet Forward

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Convener’s Corner | October 2016

October 8, 2016 Ava DuVernay takes the 13th amendment by storm! “The title of Ava DuVernay’s extraordinary and galvanizing documentary 13TH refers to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which reads “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Fiscal Affairs, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Convener’s Corner | September 2016

September 12, 2016 ATTICA UPRISING – CRITICAL NEW BOOK SHEDS NEW LIGHT “With the exception of Indian massacres in the late 19th century, the State Police assault which ended the four-day prison uprising was the bloodiest one-day encounter between Americans since the Civil War.”  New York State Special Commission on Attica, 1971. I am looking […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Convener’s Corner | August 2016

August 18, 2016 The Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced that it plans to end its use of private prison facilities after concluding the facilities are less safe than government-run prisons. The DOJ says it will decline to renew existing for-profit prison contracts.  In this Justice Roundtable Convener’s Corner I highlight an interview with the […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Convener’s Corner | July 2016

July 18, 2016 The following article, “Baton Rouge, Falcon Heights, Dallas” by Linda Burnham spoke volumes to me. I reprint it as my Convener’s Corner message this week: “Baton Rouge, Falcon Heights, Dallas,” by Linda Burnham, July 11, 2016 A thick strand in the history of U.S. policing is rooted back in the slave patrols […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Convener’s Corner | June 2016

June 5, 2016 I am pleased to announce the first ever National Clemency and Criminal Justice Reform RADIOTHON, to be broadcast Friday, June 17 th from noon-6:00pm (ET) andaccessible live via the internet, The Radiothon is scheduled 45 years after former President Nixon declared drug abuse as “Public Enemy Number 1.” Shortly after his […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Fiscal Affairs, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Petition: Tell Democratic and Republican Leaders to Get On Board With Ending Mass Incarceration

“Join The Nation and the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law in calling on America’s major political parties to end the era of mass incarceration. So far, both have fallen short. Even Democratic party platforms haven’t merely been silent; they have actually called for policies creating more imprisonment. We’re asking both sides […]

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Convener’s Corner | May 2016

May 26, 2016 An excellent and timely article from Illinois Federal Public Defender MiAngel Cody. “But the Legislation Doesn’t Go Far Enough — Its Time to Check Our Unincarcerated Privilege in the Conversation About Sentencing Reform.” Huff Post Politics, May 24, 2016 Toward the end of her article Cody stresses, “As the unincarcerated, we should […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Fiscal Affairs, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Time to End Discrimination Against People with Records

A message from Jason Hernandez, commuted by President Obama: I am a former prisoner. I served over 17 years for a nonviolent crack cocaine offense. Like millions of Americans who have done their time, I left prison fully committed to finding a job. I wanted more than anything to support myself and build a new […]

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Convener’s Corner | April 2016

April 2016 The Justice Roundtable applauds the United States Sentencing Commission for strengthening and broadening the criteria of compassionate release by stressing eligibility for federal prisoners based on any of four categories: medical conditions, age, family circumstance, or other extraordinary and compelling reasons. As stated in its April 15 press release, “The Commission’s action encourages […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Fiscal Affairs, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Pretrial and Courts, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Convener’s Corner | March 2016

March 2016 As convener of the Justice Roundtable, I am thrilled that our advocacy in the area of executive clemency has culminated in some very exciting and memorable moments for formerly incarcerated people who have been granted clemency. On March 30-31, we successfully coordinated the attendance of nearly 30 commutation recipients from the Obama, Bush, […]

Posted in Commutations and Pardons, Crimmigration, Directly Impacted People, Drug Policy Reform, Fiscal Affairs, Human Rights, Law Enforcement Reform, Prison Reform, Racial Disparity, Racial Justice, Reentry, Sentencing Reform, State Issues, Youth Justice | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment