- This event has passed.
One of the greatest hallmarks of America is our steadfast commitment to democracy. One of the hallmarks of democracy is the right to vote and to allow the will of the people to speak through the ballot box. On November 8, 2016, America voted. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, and Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College making Mr. Trump the president-elect of these United States. With Mr. Trump’s election, America stands at the precipice of change that many of us are concerned about. These include the issues of Voting Rights, Criminal Justice (Police Accountability), Health Care and Equal Opportunity under the law. We are also mindful of the future direction of the United States Supreme Court and the cornerstone of America, its policy regarding immigration and inclusiveness into the fabric of our diverse nation.
On Saturday, January 14, 2017; the week preceding the Presidential Inauguration, and the weekend of the annual Reverend Dr. Martin L. King Jr.’s national holiday, we are calling upon thousands to join us at the MLK Monument on the mall in Washington DC, to rally and stand up to recommit to the principles of Dr. King, to ensure that America remains the home of the free, the land of the brave, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. On that weekend, we will recommit to an America that is not infused with bigotry, that believes in the right of all people to have an undisturbed right to vote, that stands with the nation’s workers and protects their right to organize, unionize and have a livable wage to care for their families; who will fight to continue to ensure access to quality and affordable health care, who will stand for criminal justice and communities that are free from official or police misconduct, who will protect a women’s choice and who will stand and fight for the protection of religious liberty and freedom of worship. Dr. King had a dream of America as a nation that would one day lived up to its creed of all persons being equal, and endowed with the inalienable right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our time demands that we recommit to the strength and sacrifice that Dr. King exhibited and died for, so that we the people can realize the dream!
We enlist your support for this Rally.
We invite you to TAKE ACTION TODAY!
We ask that you donate to the march, organize in your community and mobilize individuals and organizations to attend the Rally at the King Monument in Washington, D.C. on January 14, 2017 at 12 noon, organize buses and other transportation from your locations, distribute promotional materials; and pray for and work for our success.
GEAR up with us to go to Washington, DC and March on Saturday, January 14, 2017 as #WeShallnotBeMoved. Get on your social media platforms, call your family and friends, and LET’S GET EVERYONE TO WASHINGTON, DC on January 14th, 2017!
Click here to Donate to The March 2017
Click here to Organize a bus in your city today!
Click here to Reserve your seat to GET ON a bus in an area near you!
Please join us! Your involvement will insure our success. The fight for jobs, justice and freedom is not over